Monday, January 17, 2011

Home Libraries

I don't know how long I could keep up a perfectly white room like this but it looks so peaceful and calm! I'm sure if I had a library like this one I would look forward to being productive just for a reason to sit in here.

I love how cozy this room is. It's not too bright but just happy enough to inspire some quality service projects.

I'd use this room to have company over to talk about our favorite books and how we can help the children do better school (I don't have kids, but by the time I'm able afford a library like this one I'm sure I'll have some running around). =D

I'll pick this set up for my country cottage in Ireland when I move there.

I think I love this room most of all. The ladder reminds me of Bell in her favorite book store. It's colorful and modern but quiet and jazzy. It looks like a place kids would build forts in; a place where I'd go to relax, listen to my music and get my reading done. After building my own fort of course.

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