Saturday, January 29, 2011

First Month

I weighed in at 193 this morning! That's really great since I havn't been at this weight for quite some time [except last week when I lost 4 lbs after not loosing any the previous week]. For the past two years I havn't been keeping track of my weight but now that I am it scares me to think of how much I could have gained! Now that I'm monitoring myself and being better about working out and all that it's fun to eat healthy and go to the gym.

Today I'm working on two projects: 1) my lesson for tomorrow's sunday school and 2) my conference paper for my 295 english class on George Herbert. Both of these things need to be done today or I pretty much fail. Above all else, I hate failing.

Knowing that this month I lost a total of 6.6 lbs. will keep me motivated to getting my work done because only after I finish can I go to the gym. It's still embarrassing that I'm so heavy, but it's something I'm working on. Next month I WILL LOOSE 8 LBS if not more and by February 26 will weigh 184 lbs. I know I can do this. I have to. I will. 184 lbs baby! How pathetic that I still have so much to loose... I have to though or I'll have to pay my mom another $30 bucks because she lost 8 lbs this month and I didn't! grr

gym gym gym gym. cardio cardio cardio cardio. muscle muscle muscle muscle. 184 184 184 184.


  1. you can do it kari!!!! you're amazing and that's so awesome that you've already made such great progress!! seriously!!

  2. cute girl I just found your blog and seriously, you are darling! And way to be on the whole health thing. if you ever need an exercise buddy, I'm your girl :)
