Tuesday, June 8, 2010


i miss matty!! hes in hawaii now. HAWAII!!!! ooh man. its so weird. hes havin a freakin blast though, so thats good. i need to get myself out of this funk and start livin it up! college is about getting good grades and having new experiences with new people! i need new people. good thing all my old people are leaving i suppose! ha. but really though. i need to find a good, cool, fun group to chill with for the summer or im sure i will go insane. there are some boys that live across the street i need to make cookies for or something ;). which reminds me of how badly i need to go to the gym! i used to go every day! what happened?? oh yes, college happened haha. well, enough is enough! the freshman 15 hit me and they hit me hard but they will meet their maker. so long extra baggage! see ya when im prego - which will only occur after im married which brings me back to the boys across the street.


  1. hahahahah that last sentence made me laugh =D kari, we will have an amazing summer. I'm not going to let myself make it a blah one, cuz I do that too easily. we'll have fun, and we WILL make cookies for those boys! =)

  2. =D i cannot wait for you to come! Lets die my hair when you get here k? haha i feel like a change and only trust you to do this with me. we will make cookies for those boys - you will think theyre attractive too. theyre in the other ward though so well have to come up with a plan to go over haha

  3. hahah! yes to all of the above! =) :D
