Monday, June 22, 2009

provo baby. its legit.

ok so i definatly dont have time to write something fancy and super indepth about my time here so far --- a whole 3 days!!! ---- but i can say that i love being here!! i miss home and i miss my family and my ward and jsut EVERYONE, but im meeting so many new people and im smiling ALLLL the time!!!! haha =D ahh i just already love being here!! class starts in 7 hours haha and i need to go to bed however, i will say really quick that im giving a talk on prayer next sunday in my new ward, BYU 81st ward, and i had a new friend ask if i was engaged today because of the ring i wear on my RIGHT, i reapeat RIGHT, hand haha. pictures will be up soon, ive just been too busy to upload them all. maybe tuesday.... OH!! and im in BYUSA! wo hoo!! im an executive director and this week we have our leadership camp where well be staying in yellowstone and heading over to byu=idaho to meet their BYUISA haha i love it!! i miss you i miss you i miss you, but if it means anything, im already having a wonderful time here, always thinking of home but feeling so happy to be on campus <3


  1. so glad you're having fun! remember to sleep... sometimes and get used to the "ring check" - if you keep that ring on your right hand you're cutting down date invitations drastically, which can be both good and bad. enjoy class today and report back!

  2. haha just keep that ring in your pocket in case some really weird guy starts walking towards you. lol just kidding. and you know... sleep is ussually a good thing. good luck today!! oh and idk if mom told ya yet or not but Thor has Swine flu!!! O_O

  3. im glad your having fun! i miss you like crazy down here! im nervous about YASE, doing well in basketball, still have to tell you about trek, am already having pre-high school jitters and want my big sister back! :) love you lots!

  4. LOL dont get home sick tho. i like your room! LOL im just kidding. i haven't even used your room... yet... :D
    JK... again
    Love ya
