I had the weirdest dream last night. I was praying and praying for these two little children, siblings, maybe twins, to be healed. They were very poor and lived in an underground sewer and were incredibly sick. I wanted them to be better, I hoped that my faith was strong enough to cure them but I woke up bef
ore I could find out. Their names were in some way tattooed/imprinted on their little feet and one of the babies was Una. How on earth could I know this name? I just thought my mind had messed up on naming this kid.
I'm in my English class and we are reading East of Eden where one of the character's names is Una. How could I possibly know that?? I havn't read to that part yet! How is it possible that I dreamed about that name without knowing it before hand and then stumble across it in a book written 60 years ago. Craazzyyy!!!
What does this mean?
that's CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh. that would totally be a HUGE coincidence alert on my blog. lol. kari that's seriously crazy!!