im sitting in my room at wyview doing my econ homework. i actually like the current section were studying because its all about bonds and stocks - things that make sense to me. thank goodness my dad is a financial adviser and has been talking about this stuff my whole life. as i was contemplating the concept of debt finance a moment ago (when a company sells bonds to finance its company, kind of like IOUs) i looked around my room and noticed how clean my floor is. i picked up all my dirty clothes this afternoon because i was tired of living in a mess. my room is perfect and its about the size of my little brothers room back in AZ; 4x smaller than my AZ room. its interesting to know that even though i live here and tell people im going home after school this isn't truly my home. my home is in Arizona, im just living in Utah for a while that's all. its an interesting thought. i like living here and am very comfortable with how small it is. its perfect for two people who mostly only sleep when they're home. 3 people is slighty more cozy and 4+ gets to be a tad crowded. if its good company, however; its nice and busy and fun. we dont have people over very often. we get too tired to branch out and have parties. im always doing homework and jennies always editing photos. when we do have free time its late late at night and we usually go to macy's grocery store and pick up a redbox. its a pretty easy going life we have together. its strange to know its almost over. 3 more weeks or so and ill never live in wyview again. i expect the colony will be similar. a fun, easy going and new home to me but not really my home. i live in Utah but my heart is in Arizona.
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WP came with me to take the prom retakes and so I snapped a few of him
with the sweet car. He is the funnest little love with Mickey
Mouse, c...
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