This week was incredibly busy!!!! Tests, papers, honor week, sleeping, more papers, cleaning checks, basically your typical college life all smooshed into one 7 day period! I wish this hadn't been such a wild week though because I was supposed to drop 3 lbs! Not gain one. Stink!! I need to sleep better (6am-1030pm) and make sure to eat healthy ALWAYS, despite the time or the easiest food choice.
On to other news of the week: I had my first bishop interview for my mission on Wednesday! That's pretty exciting! I can turn my papers in on May 16! Matt goes into the MTC two weeks earlier (May 4) and he's said that I can sing for his farewell. He wants "How Great Thou Art". I'm excited to sing for him and see him off. He will be a fantastic missionary! We were talking about how excited we both are for our missions and how we both get to go to the temple. THE TEMPLE!!! It's fantastic!!
This is the temple in Hawaii where he gets to go to every week. He's so lucky!
This is the Provo Temple that I get to go to! It's not as exotic looking as Matt's but I love it.
We are so blessed to get to do this. Serve missions. I just want school to be over now so that I can have more time to prep and find out where I'm going! Spain is what I'm hoping for but who knows. I'll be happy no matter where I go.
Well, there is so much more that I could blog about but I have a 12 page paper waiting to be written. ='( In an hour I'm singing with my bishop and a beautiful boy in my ward for our stake talent show auditions!! Then it's back home for my paper and hopefully I'll be able to finish soon and then go watch Jimmer and his boys play basketball and whoop the Utes.